This option enables the user to make a group sign in of the children. The user can select multiple children to sign in by selecting the Time and notes.

To make a group sign in,

  • Click Group Sign In in the Functions page. The Group Sign In page 1 will be displayed:


Group Sign In Page 1

  • Select the option based on which the group sign in has to be done, Select the Classroom.
  • Select the status of the child from the Child Status list.
  • Click Submit. The Group Sign In page 2 will be displayed with the list of children who have not signed in currently.

Group Sign In Page 2

  • Enter the notes if any in Notes.
  • Select the Time.
  • Select the children who must be signed in, Else select Sel to select all the children.
  • Click Submit. The Group Sign In page 3 will be displayed with a confirmation to sign in the children.Click Cancel to return back to Group Sign In page 1.

Group Sign In Page 3

  • Click Submit to confirm the group sign in of the selected children. A success message will be displayed. To return to the Group Sign In page 2, click Cancel.