This report displays the complete information about the family and the children.

Here the user can generate the following 2 reports:

  1. Family Information Sheet
  2. Family Notes

To generate this report,

  • Click Family Information Sheet / Family Notes Report in Reports page. The Family Information Sheet / Family Notes Report page will be displayed with the filter criteria:

Family Information Sheet

  • Select Family Information Sheet from the Select Report list.

Family Information Sheet Page

Select the relevant filter criteria:

  • Select the status of the family from the Family Status list.
  • Select the status of the child from the Child Status list
  • Select the classroom of the child from the Primary Classroom list.
  • Select whether to Print Restricted Person details in the report or not.
  • Select whether to Print Child Photo in the report or not.
  • Select the format in which the report has to be opened, from the Report Type option.
  • Click Submit to download the report.

Family Notes Report

  • Select Family Notes from the Select Report list.

Family Notes Report Page

Select the relevant filter criteria:

  • Select the dates for which the notes must be searched from Select Dates.
  • Select the status of the family from the Family Status list.
  • Enter the specific child's name (to generate the info sheet for that child) in Child Name.
  • Select the category of the notes from the Category list
  • Select the user's name who added the note from the Recorded By list.
  • Set the specific Sort Order of the report.
  • Select the Orientation of the report.
  • Select the format in which the report has to be opened, from the Report Type option.
  • Click Submit to download the report.