This report displays the child name, parent contact details and the child schedule.

To generate this report,

  • Click Classroom/School Directory Report in Reports page. The Classroom/School Directory Report page will be displayed with the filter criteria:

Classroom/School Directory Report Page

Select the relevant filter criteria:

  • Select the status of the family from the Family Status list.
  • Select the status of the child from the Child Status list
  • Select the classroom of the child from the Select a Classroom list.
  • Select Group by Classroom to group the report by classroom.
  • Select the format in which the report has to be opened, from the Report Type option.
  • Click Submit to download the report.

Note: This report will be grouped by Classroom Name (as per the “Display Order” configured at the classroom setup) in ascending order, but the “Unassigned” classroom will be displayed always at the last. Within the classroom, it is sorted by child name in ascending order.