This function is used to add / edit the eMessage which will be displayed only for the child when signed in by the authorized person.

To add / edit the eMessage,

  • Click eMessage Families in the Functions page. The eMessage Families page will be displayed:

eMessage Families Page

Note: Messages will be displayed with the first 50 characters (including spaces) of the eMessage. If message is longer than 50 characters, it will be appended with a “…” string to indicate there is additional text.

  • Click Add New Message to add new eMessage. Refer section for more details. To inactivate an eMessage, click Inactivate.
  •  To delete an eMessage, click Delete.
  • Click View to see whether the authorized persons have viewed the eMessage. The eMessage View page will be displayed:

eMessage View Page

This page will display the actual date and time of eMessage viewed by the authorized persons.