This option enables the user to sign in / out the children. This is very useful in tracking their attendance.

Normally a child can be signed in/out by the authorized person or by the child themselves. Usually, children are only allowed to check themselves in/out if they are old enough as determined by the child care provider. The authorized person may include parents or the guardian. Each of them will have a separate ID code, which should be entered while punching for the child. These ID Codes are setup in the Add/Edit Family and Child Info page of the Family Accounting module. Refer - Family Accounting document for more details.

Note: All the pages under this section are used by the Child and Authorized Person.

To Sign In/Out the child by child id code,

  • Click Launch Sign In/Out Program in the Main Menu page. The Sign In / Out Page 1 will be displayed:        

Sign In / Out Page 1

  • Enter the ID Code of the child.
  • Click Enter. The Sign In / Out page will be displayed with the name(s) of the children and their current status.

Sign In Page

  • Click Sign In to Sign in the child.
  • The status of the child will be updated and a success message will be displayed.
  • To sign out the child from centers, enter the child id and click enter in Sign In / Out Page 1. The sign out page will be displayed:

Sign Out Page

  • Click Sign Out and success message will be displayed.

To Sign In/Out the child by authorized id code,

  • Enter the ID Code of the authorized person in Sign In / Out Page 1, the Sign In / Out page will be as follows:

Sign In / Out Page - Multiple Children Page 1

  • Select the relevant child to be signed in /out.

Sign In / Out Page - Multiple Children Page 2

  • Click Done to sign in / out the selected child status will be updated and a success message will be displayed.

Notes: Its Mandatory to select the children from the list.