This report will display the Family name, Parent name, Child name and Child Enrollment date details of the selected or all children.

To generate this report,

  • Click Family/Child Data in Reports page. The Family/Child Data page will be displayed with the filter criteria:

Family/Child Data Page

Select the relevant filter criteria:

  • Select the marital status of the parent from the Marital Status list.
  • Select the specific or all Branch of Service of the parent list.
  • Select the rank/grade of the parent from the Rank/Grade list.
  • Select the income category of the family from the Family Income Category list.
  • Enter the Unit/Squadron of the specific parent.
  • Select the service status of the parent from the Service Status list.
  • Select the age group of the child from the Age Group list.
  • Select the classroom of the child from the Class Room list.
  • Select the specific or all CACFP Reimbursement Type.
  • Select the ethnic identity of the child from the Ethnic Identity list.
  • Select the specific or all Racial Identifier.
  • Select the program of the child from the Program list.
  • Select the format in which the report has to be opened, from the Report Type option.
  • Click Submit to download the report.